History of Swimming While Black
For many melanated people, we have heard the all-too-familiar stereotype: Black people can't swim. In middle school, one student went as far as trying to convince me that my melanin made our Black bodies too dense to float in water which is absolutely absurd and scientifically incorrect. Black people CAN swim but there are historical factors that have prevented many of us from accessing opportunities to learn in the first place.

The Healing Power of the Ocean
You have probably heard the phrase “vitamin sea,” but did you know that being exposed to natural bodies of water, also known as blue spaces, truly does have a positive impact on our health and well-being?

Merfolk Mythology from Around the World
For centuries, people have been using writing and oral storytelling to share merfolk mythology. Merfolk are popular in modern movies and television around the world. However, Western media tends to portray one image of what merfolk may have looked like. The image is often a fair-skinned, long-haired maiden perched on a rock.

How to Celebrate World Oceans Day
This year, World Oceans Day falls on Tuesday, June 8, 2021, but as merfolk, we understand that every day should be World Oceans Day. The oceans are often considered the lungs of our planet. Oceans provide the world with oxygen by producing marine plants. They help regulate climate and weather patterns by absorbing solar radiation and carbon dioxide. Oceans are also a major source of food, water, and minerals.